Creation Therapy

Creation Therapy is a method of Biblical Counseling offered through course instruction to groups and individuals. It is a counseling method that focuses on enabling one better to understand oneself and the responsibility to establish a vertical relationship with God. It is based on Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created….” and Psalms 139:13-14, For you created my innermost being: you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Creation Therapy is a new therapeutic approach to counseling that deals with the inner man rather than outer manifestations and problems. It is based on the belief that man is a unique being rather than the result of an evolutionary process. This method was developed over a period of seven years of research involving 5,000 individuals seeking help for their problems, Richard Gene Arno PH. D. Conclusions based on this research are that Creation Therapy is over 93% successful when administered by a trained and qualified counselor.

■ A successful five-step method for counseling those who come to you for help.
■ What causes relationship conflicts and how to resolve them? Conflict resolution skills that focus on the Word of God and His principles for emotional and spiritual healing.
■ The secrets of human behavior and how God’s wonderful plan works when it is understood and applied.
■ Qualify to administer the Temperament Analysis Profile which identifies an individual’s inborn temperament rather than their
behavior. This helps the counselor in identifying the core problems and aids the counselee in problem resolution.

Creation Therapy is based on the theory of temperament. Temperament is the inborn part of man that determines how he reacts to people, places, and things. In short, it is how people interact with their environment and the world around them. It teaches that this temperament is placed within us by God, while in our mother’s womb, and it will remain with us throughout our lives. Each individual has temperament needs of varying degrees. Our temperament is the determining factor in how well we handle the stresses and pressures of life. Creation Therapy identifies the temperament needs of the counselee and helps them to find a balance in order to relieve inner stress. They will develop a willingness to surrender the ungodly ways they have been accustomed to using to meet temperament needs and replace them with methods in accordance with God’s Word. They will learn to find peace within themselves, within their environment, and with the Lord. We know that God is the only solution for all our problems. Creation Therapy is a viable tool that allows counselors to emphasize the importance of yielding to God’s will and to discover His purpose for our existence. It teaches how to draw nearer to God, how to submit to His will and allow the Holy Spirit to become our constant guide, and how to listen and recognize God’s voice. God’s Way Services invite you to discover this Biblical-based method of counseling and aid your counselees in discovering God’s will for their lives.

The textbook is approximately 325 pages in length. It provides an in-depth background of the Theory of Temperament as well as the historical, scientific, and Biblical basis for this theory. This course introduces a fifth temperament and behavior patterns of each temperament within the three behavioral areas: Inclusion, Control, and Affection. This course teaches how to apply the theory of temperament to actual therapy situations and has been proven to be over 90% successful.

The tuition cost for this course is $275.00 Tuition for this course covers:

■ Creation Therapy Textbook
■ Creation Therapy Workbook
■ Creation Therapy Video on VHS or DVD
■ Code of Ethical Standards
■ Two (2) proctored exams

Actual study time for the program is approximately ninety (90) hours. The academic value of the course is nine (9) C. E. U.’s and/or three (3) graduate-level semester hours. Persons who successfully complete the course requirements qualify for membership in the Sarasota Academy of Christian Counseling and become authorized to administer the Temperament Analysis Profile (T. A. P. ) The information provided in the profile (inventory) can be used in their counseling efforts. After completion of the Creation Therapy course, joining the S. A. C. C. And administering the T. A. P. To a minimum of ten (10) individuals at $30.00 each, you may qualify to enter into a program for certification or license in Christian Counseling.